The player from Mexico had reported an issue with his deposit not reflecting in his casino account. Despite reaching out via live chat, he had received no response from the casino. He had informed us that he made two deposits of 200 each, through Oxxo and a transfer, but had not seen these amounts in his casino account. We had advised him to contact his payment provider for further investigation. The player had confirmed that his payment provider stated the transactions were successful. We had requested additional information, including communication with the payment provider and the casino, deposit receipt, and a screenshot of the deposit/cashier history, but received no response. As a result, we were unable to further investigate the issue, leading to the complaint being rejected.
Hráč z Mexika nahlásil problém s jeho vkladem, který se neodrazil na jeho kasinovém účtu. Navzdory tomu, že se obrátil prostřednictvím živého chatu, nedostal od kasina žádnou odpověď. Informoval nás, že provedl dva vklady po 200 prostřednictvím Oxxo a převodem, ale tyto částky na svém kasinovém účtu neviděl. Doporučili jsme mu, aby kontaktoval svého poskytovatele plateb za účelem dalšího šetření. Hráč potvrdil, že jeho poskytovatel plateb uvedl, že transakce byly úspěšné. Požádali jsme o další informace, včetně komunikace s poskytovatelem plateb a kasinem, potvrzení o vkladu a snímek obrazovky historie vkladu/pokladny, ale nedostali jsme žádnou odpověď. V důsledku toho jsme nemohli problém dále prošetřit, což vedlo k zamítnutí stížnosti.
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