Týká se účtu, který popisuji e-mailem, již se nemohu dostat k účtu, pokud se pokusím přihlásit, zobrazí se, že přihlašovací jméno neexistuje, na tuto poštovní adresu jsem obdržel nespočet e-mailů a připojuji svůj pokus o obnovení hesla , ale pokud stisknete odkaz vulcan říká přihlášení neexistuje???????????? tady je odkaz
Obnova hesla
Obdrželi jsme vaši žádost o obnovení hesla. Chcete-li obnovit heslo, klikněte na odkaz nebo jej zkopírujte do prohlížeče:
https://los5.trackinglos.com/track/click/b0fb1i1v0g/16c6c616e6e227162656e6030476d61696c6e236f6d6?userId=1319pfqf0&brandId=1799dfd4&m_1799dfd4&6 2-ec70a32 25211&target=https://vulkanvegas.com/en/api/auth/confirm - obnovení hesla?confirm_string=7c5c2c48-0b76-457a-b16b-865d1d61b02d&player_id=42724476&type=email&element=allan.raben0%40gmail.com
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+3572 *****
Tento e-mail jste obdrželi, protože jste se přihlásili k odběru stránek vulkanvegas.com Kdykoli můžete odběr zrušit kliknutím na odkaz .
It concerns the account that I describe with email, I can no longer access the account, if I try to log in it says that the login does not exist, I have received countless emails at this postal address and attach my attempt to recover my password, but if you press link vulcan says login doesn't exist??????????? here is the link
Password Recovery
We have received your password restoration request. To recover a password, click on the link or copy it into your browser:
https://los5.trackinglos.com/track/click/b0fb1i1v0g/16c6c616e6e227162656e6030476d61696c6e236f6d6?userId=1319pfqf0&brandId=179d0&m_id=a342fdd9-f515-46c8-9df2-ec70a32 25211&target=https://vulkanvegas.com/en/api/auth/confirm- password-recovery?confirm_string=7c5c2c48-0b76-457a-b16b-865d1d61b02d&player_id=42724476&type=email&element=allan.raben0%40gmail.com
Also, you can always turn to our 24/7 customer support for help. We will be happy to assist you!
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+3572 *****
You received this email because you have subscribed to the site vulkanvegas.com At any time, you can cancel your subscription by clicking the link .
Det drejer sig om den konto som jeg beskriver med email,jeg kan ikke længere komme ind på kontoen hvis jeg prøver login siger den at login ikke eksisterer jeg har modtaget utallige mails på denne postadresse og vedhæfter mit forsøg på recover mit password men trykker man på link siger vulcan at login ikke eksisterer??????????? her er linket
Password Recovery
We have received your password restoration request. To recover a password, click on the link or copy it into your browser:
Also, you can always turn for help to our 24/7 customer support. We will be glad to assist you!
Restore Password
Regular Bonuses
Our team guarantees you will be receiving a bonus every week.
Hot Tournaments
In Vulkan Vegas you get paid for playing! More play - more bonuses!
Loyalty Program
We have a very flexible system that guarantees many awards for your game!
You received this email because you have subscribed to the site vulkanvegas.com At any time, you can cancel your subscription by clicking the link.
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