Mohlo by to být konkrétní, ano. Ale rád bych věděl, jestli dokážete tento problém vyřešit? Byl byste odpovědný za jeho vyřešení nebo je to jen zvědavost?
Zkoušel jsem vybrat poprvé, ale nefungovalo to, protože jsem měl aktivní bonus. Dobře. To je v pořádku.
Pokračoval jsem ve hře a dokonce i částky byly vymazány pro výběr.
Když jsem dokončil převrácení (myslím, že se to tak jmenuje), které trvalo asi 4 hodiny nebo více, „vyhrál" jsem 6 000,00 R$.
Šel jsem odstoupit, ale nebyl jsem ověřen, takže jsem poslal všechny dokumenty atd. a trvalo to dlouho, ale nakonec jsem byl ověřen, obrat byl zamítnut pro nedodržení pravidel platformy.
A nic jsem nezlomil. Všechno jsem si musel přečíst, takže vím, že je to neopodstatněné.
Ale protože mají plný přístup, požádal jsem o sázky, které porušovaly pravidla. Nikdy mi je neposlali. A kupodivu žádná historie sázek neexistovala a myslím, že neexistuje dodnes. A našli způsob, jak nezaplatit, a založit jej na problému, ke kterému neměli přístup.
Pro nezaplacení tedy existovaly tři různé důvody. A když jsem dostal vše, co požadovali, přišli s touto výmluvou, která neobstojí.
Nakonec mi dluží 6 000,00 R$ (šest tisíc realů). Opraveno.
Měl jsem mnoho rozhovorů s agenty, z nichž jeden dokonce řekl, že je vše v pořádku a nezbývá než čekat, až mi dorazí peníze na účet. Dny čekání.
Vklady jsou připsány okamžitě, ale platba trvá dny a v mém případě ani nezaplatila.
Neplatí a nedokládají.
Nedoporučuji hrát.
Možná, že když tady spojíme síly, můžeme to dokonce sundat a dostat tučnou pokutu. Zaplatím za právníka.
It could be specific, yes. But I'd like to know if you can solve this problem? Would you be responsible for solving it or is it just curiosity?
I tried to withdraw for the first time but it didn't work because I had an active bonus. Okay. That's fine.
I continued playing, and even the amounts were cleared for withdrawal.
When I completed the rollover (I think that's what it's called), which took about 4 hours or more, I "won" R$ 6,000.00.
I went to withdraw but I wasn't verified, so I sent all the documents etc. and it took a long time, but finally I was verified, in turn, the withdrawal was disapproved for not complying with the platform's rules.
And I didn't break anything. I had to read everything, so I know it's unfounded.
But since they have full access, I asked for the bets that had violated the rules. They never sent them to me. And strangely there was no history of the bets and I don't think there is to this day. And they found a way of not paying and basing it on an issue they had no access to.
So there were three different reasons for not paying. And when I got everything they demanded, they came up with this excuse that doesn't hold water.
Finally, they owe me R$6,000.00 (six thousand reais). Corrected.
I had many conversations with the agents, one of whom even said that everything was all right and all I had to do was wait for the money to arrive in my account. Days of waiting.
Deposits are credited instantly, but payment takes days, and in my case they didn't even pay.
They don't pay and they don't prove it.
I advise against playing.
Maybe by joining forces here we can even get it taken down and get a hefty fine. I'll pay for the lawyer.
Poderia ser específico, sim. Mas gostaria de saber se pode resolver esse problema? Seria a responsável por resolver ou é só curiosidade.
Tentei sacar pela primeira vez mas não deu pois eu tinha bônus ativo. Ok. Tudo bem.
Continuei jogando, até os valores estou liberados pra saque.
No ato de cumprir o rollover (acho e esse nome) que levou umas 4h ou mais, "ganhei" R$ 6.000,00.
Fui sacar mas eu não era verificado, então enviei todos os documentos etc. e demorou bastante, mas enfim fui verificado, por sua vez, o saque foi reprovado por descumprir normas da plataforma.
E eu não desrespeitei nada. Tive que ler tudo, então eu sei que não tem fundamento.
Mas como eles tem todo acesso eu pedi as apostas que haviam ferido as normas. Nunca me mandaram. E estranhamente não tinha histórico das apostas e acho que até hoje não tem pra consultar. E uma forma que eles encontraram se não pagarem e fundamentar numa questão que não se tem nenhum acesso.
Então, foram 3 motivos diferentes pra não pagar. E quando consegui tudo que eles exigiram, surgiu essa desculpa que não se sustenta.
Por fim, me devem R$ 6.000,00 (seis mil reais). Corrigidos.
Foram muitas conversas com os agentes, um deles até disse que estava tudo certo que era só aguardar o dinheiro caír na conta. Dias aguardando.
Os depositos creditam na hora, mas o pagamento demora dias e, no meu caso nem pagaram.
Não pagam e não comprovam.
Aconselho nem jogar.
Talvez somando forças aqui até conseguirmos tirar do ar e levar uma multa bem salgada. O advogado eu pago.
Upraveno autorem před 3 dny
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