Dobré ráno, byl to bonus za 2. vklad, pouze 1 250 jsem získal dokončením Rolloveru, což je 2,5násobek hodnoty počátečního bonusu, zbytek pocházel ze sportovního sázení a také Aviator, můj zůstatek byl 3 500 realů a poté se snížil poté, co jsem když jsem prohrál nějaké sporty a sázky na automaty, když jsem kontroloval účet, pošlu screenshot toho z chatu Betboom, e-mailem nic neposílají, tento možný podvod, jak tvrdí, že se dopustil, nemá místo a termín 180 Je to přesně pro hráče, aby se vzdal a získal jen 500 realů, a já jsem ztratil svůj 1. vklad, dokončil jsem převrácení hraním pouze PG her, Ratinho, Toninho, Tigrinho mimo jiné, kteří hráli nonstop, aniž bych si vybral Times.

Good morning, it was the 2nd Deposit bonus, only 1,250 I got by completing the Rollover which is 2.5 times the value of the initial bonus, the rest came from sports betting and also Aviator, my balance was 3,500 reais and then it decreased after I losing some sports and slots bets while I was checking the account, I will send a screenshot of it from the Betboom chat, they don't send anything by email, this possible fraud as they claim to have committed has no place and the deadline of 180 It is precisely for the player to give up and get just the 500 reais, and I lost my 1st deposit, I completed the rollover playing only PG games, Ratinho, Toninho, Tigrinho among others playing non-stop without choosing Times.

Bom dia,foi o bonus de 2° Depósito,apenas 1.250 eu consegui com o cumprimento do Rollover que é 2.5 vezes o valor do bônus inicial,o resto veio de apostas esportivas e tbm Aviator,meu saldo era de 3.500 reais aí diminui após eu perder algumas apostas esportivas e em slots enquanto eu fazia a verificação da conta,irei mandar a captura de dela do chat da Betboom,eles não envia nada por email,essa possível fraude como eles dizem ter cometida não tem nenhum cabimento e o prazo de 180 é justamente para o jogador desistir e pegar apenas os 500 reais,sendo que o meu 1° depósito eu perdi,cumpri o rollover jogando apenas jogos da PG,Ratinho,Toninho,Tigrinho entre outro jogando sem parar sem escolher Horários.

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