Hráč z Brazílie požádal o výběr před podáním této stížnosti. Bohužel své výhry ještě neobdržel.
Dobré odpoledne, jdu podrobně popsat svou stížnost a v této situaci téměř prosím o pomoc. Platformu používám měsíce a nikdy jsem neměl problém se sportovním sázením, vklady a výběry jsem vždy normálně prováděl, ale na začátku měsíce (cca 5. února) jsem začal mít problémy. Udělal jsem zůstatek ve výši 8618,95 R$ a při žádosti o výběr jsem byl požádán o zaslání dokladu o bydlišti a požádal jsem, abych počkal 3 dny na ověření. Po 4 dnech mi oznámili, že je v dokumentu nesrovnalost a požádali o zaslání dalšího, zároveň jsem jej odeslal a opět mě požádali, abych počkal na termín. Po kontrole na webu „" jsem si všiml, že platforma již měsíc nereaguje na stížnosti a existuje několik stížností na podobné případy jako já, které po několika dnech po uplynutí lhůty požádají o další zásilku a poté řeknou, že zavolají, ale nevrátí se týdny. Poté, co jsem si uvědomil, že se může jednat o podvod na uživatele, začal jsem se velmi obávat, že budu mít problémy s výběrem svých peněz z platformy, a žádám vás o pomoc, protože kvůli tomuto zpoždění na straně platformy už mám po splatnosti faktury, touto obavou jsem ztratil noci spát, protože se to netýká jen mě, mám tři děti a jsou závislé výhradně na mně. Prosím, pomozte mi s tím. Včera byl můj dokument ve 23:00 po čekání 11 dní znovu zamítnut bez jakéhokoli vysvětlení a můj zůstatek byl snížen na 3807,75 R$. Znovu jsem poslal další, ale vše vypadá jako podvod. Opravdu ty peníze potřebuji, prosím, pomozte mi, proboha. Použiji překladač a zašlu přeložený text níže, omlouvám se za případné pravopisné chyby nebo chyby ve shodě. Děkuji za pozornost a prosím, pomozte mi znovu. ----
Dobré odpoledne, uvedu podrobně celou moji stížnost a téměř prosím o pomoc v této situaci. Používám platformu již několik měsíců a nikdy jsem neměl žádné problémy se sportovním sázením. Vklady a výběry jsem vždy normálně prováděl, ale začátkem měsíce (cca 5. února) jsem začal mít problémy. Měl jsem zůstatek 8 618,95 R$ a když jsem požádal o výběr, požádali mě o zaslání dokladu o pobytu a požádali mě, abych počkal 3 dny na ověření. Po 4 dnech mi oznámili, že je v dokumentu nesrovnalost a požádali mě o zaslání dalšího. Odeslal jsem to ve stejnou dobu a znovu mě požádali, abych počkal na termín. Po kontrole na webu „" jsem si všiml, že platforma již měsíc nereaguje na stížnosti a existuje několik stížností na podobné případy jako já, které si po několika dnech lhůty vyžádají další a brzy poté oznámí, že zavolají, ale týdny nereagují. Poté, co jsem si uvědomil, že by se mohlo jednat o podvod na uživatele, začal jsem se velmi obávat, že budu mít problémy s výběrem peněz z platformy, a žádám vás o pomoc, protože kvůli tomuto zpoždění na straně platformy již mám faktury po splatnosti. Kvůli této starostí ztrácím spánek, protože se to netýká jen mě, mám tři děti a jsou závislé výhradně na mně. Prosím, pomozte mi s tímto problémem. Včera byl můj dokument po 11 dnech čekání ve 23:00 znovu zamítnut bez jakéhokoli vysvětlení a můj zůstatek byl snížen na 3 807,75 R$. Znovu jsem poslal další, ale vše nasvědčuje tomu, že jde o podvod. Opravdu potřebuji tyto peníze, prosím, pomozte mi, z lásky k Bohu. Použiji překladač a níže pošlu přeložený text, omlouvám se za případné pravopisné nebo gramatické chyby. Děkuji za pozornost a ještě jednou, prosím, pomozte mi.
POZNÁMKA: Když se pokusím odeslat přílohu se všemi důkazy, které o případu mám, zobrazí se mi chyba „Nahrání přílohy se nezdařilo". Pokud je možné toto zaslat později, e-mailem nebo Whatsapp, jsem vám k dispozici.
Při pokusu o odeslání přílohy se všemi důkazy, které pro případ mám, se mi zobrazuje chyba „Nahrávání přílohy se nezdařilo". Pokud je možné zaslat později, e-mailem nebo WhatsApp, jsem vám k dispozici.
Good afternoon, I'm going to detail my complaint and I'm almost begging for help in this situation. I've been using the platform for months and I've never had any problems with sports betting, I've always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately February 5th) I started having problems. I made a balance of R$8618.95 and when requesting a withdrawal I was asked to send proof of residence and asked to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked for another one to be sent, I sent it at the same time and again they asked me to wait for the deadline. After checking on the "" website, I noticed that the platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting for several days after the deadline, request another shipment, and then say that they will make a phone call, but they do not return for weeks. After realizing that this may be a scam on users, I became very worried that I would have problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I am already overdue bills due to this delay on the part of the platform, I have lost nights of sleep with this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this. Yesterday my document was rejected again at 23:00PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3807.75. I sent another one again, but everything seems to be a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for God's sake. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or agreement errors. Thank you for your attention and please help me again. ----
Good afternoon, I will detail my entire complaint and I almost beg for help in this situation. I have been using the platform for months and have never had any problems with sports betting. I have always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately on February 5th) I started having problems. I had a balance of R$8,618.95 and when I requested a withdrawal, they asked me to send proof of residence and asked me to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days, they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked me to send another one. I sent it at the same time and they again asked me to wait the deadline. After checking on the website "", I noticed that the platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting several days of the deadline, request another one, and soon after they say they will make a phone call but do not respond for weeks. After realizing that this might be a scam on users, I became very worried about having problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I already have overdue bills due to this delay on the platform's part. I have been losing sleep over this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this issue. Yesterday, my document was rejected again at 11:00 PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3,807.75. I sent another one again but everything indicates that it is a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for the love of God. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thank you for your attention and again, please help me.
NOTE: When I try to send an attachment with all the evidence I have of the case, I get the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send this later, via e-mail or Whatsapp, I am at your disposal.
When trying to send an attachment with all the evidence I have for the case, I am getting the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send it later, via email or WhatsApp, I am at your disposal.
Boa tarde, irei detalhar toda minha denúncia e peço quase implorando por uma ajuda nessa situação. Utilizo a plataforma há meses e nunca tive problemas nas apostas esportivas, sempre realizei depósitos e saques normalmente, porém no início do mês (aproximadamente no dia 05/02) comecei a ter problemas. Fiz um saldo de R$8618,95 e ao solicitar saque me pediram envio de comprovante de residência e pediram para aguardar por 3 dias para verificação. Após se passarem 4 dias informaram haver uma divergência no documento e pediram que fosse enviado outro, fiz o envio na mesma hora e novamente me pediram pra aguardar o prazo. Após verificar no site "" notei que a plataforma não responde às denúncias há um mês, e são diversas denúncias de casos parecidos com o meu, que após aguardarem por vários dias do prazo solicitam outro envio, e logo depois ainda falam que irão realizar ligação telefonica mas ficam por semanas sem dar retorno. Após perceber que pode estar se tratando de um golpe nos usuários eu fiquei muito preocupado de ter problemas ao sacar o meu dinheiro da plataforma, e estou pedindo por favor pela ajuda de vocês pois já estou com contas vencidas por conta dessa demora por parte da plataforma, tenho perdido noites de sono com essa preocupação pois não afeta só a mim, eu tenho três filhos e eles dependem exclusivamente de mim. Por favor, me ajude nessa questão. Na data de ontem meu documento foi recusado novamente às 23:00PM sem nenhuma explicação após aguardar por 11 dias, e meu saldo foi reduzido para R$3807,75. Enviei outro novamente mas tudo indica se tratar de golpe. Preciso muito desse dinheiro, por favor, me ajudem, pelo amor de Deus. Irei utilizar o tradutor e enviar o texto traduzido abaixo, peço desculpas caso tenha algum erro ortográfico ou de concordância. Obrigado pela atenção e novamente por favor, me ajude. ----
Good afternoon, I will detail my entire complaint and I almost beg for help in this situation. I have been using the platform for months and have never had any problems with sports betting. I have always made deposits and withdrawals normally, but at the beginning of the month (approximately on February 5th) I started having problems. I had a balance of R$8,618.95 and when I requested a withdrawal, they asked me to send proof of residence and asked me to wait 3 days for verification. After 4 days, they informed me that there was a discrepancy in the document and asked me to send another one. I sent it at the same time and they again asked me to wait the deadline. After checking on the website "", I noticed that the platform has not responded to complaints for a month, and there are several complaints of cases similar to mine, which after waiting several days of the deadline, request another one, and soon after they say they will make a phone call but do not respond for weeks. After realizing that this might be a scam on users, I became very worried about having problems withdrawing my money from the platform, and I am asking for your help because I already have overdue bills due to this delay on the platform's part. I have been losing sleep over this concern because it does not only affect me, I have three children and they depend exclusively on me. Please help me with this issue. Yesterday, my document was rejected again at 11:00 PM without any explanation after waiting for 11 days, and my balance was reduced to R$3,807.75. I sent another one again but everything indicates that it is a scam. I really need this money, please help me, for the love of God. I will use the translator and send the translated text below, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thank you for your attention and again, please help me.
OBS.: Ao tentar realizar envio de anexo com todas as provas que tenho do caso está dando erro "Attachment upload has failed". Se for possível fazer esse envio posteriormente, via e-mail ou Whatsapp estou à disposição.
When trying to send an attachment with all the evidence I have for the case, I am getting the error "Attachment upload has failed". If it is possible to send it later, via email or WhatsApp, I am at your disposal.
Dear ricartemt,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Děkuji za prvotní reakci, ale jak jsem uvedl v reklamaci, dokumenty se odesílají správně a hrají si ze mě na hlupáka, žádají, abych počkal na lhůtu a po jejím uplynutí pak příjemku jednoduše odmítnou.
Thank you for the initial response, but as I said in the complaint, the documents are being sent correctly and they are playing me for a fool, asking me to wait for the deadline and then simply refusing the receipt after it has expired.
Agradeço a resposta inicial mas como eu informei na denúncia os documentos estão sendo enviados corretamente e eles estão me fazendo de bobo, pedem para aguardar o prazo e após expirar o mesmo simplesmente recusam o comprovante.
Když jsem šel na, viděl jsem další podobné stížnosti, takže se zdá, že se snaží podvést všechny Brazilce.
Dva doklady o pobytu, které jsem zaslal, jsou platné podle zásad ochrany osobních údajů platformy a obsluha dokonce potvrdila, že je vše v pořádku s mým druhým zaslaným dokladem. Odeslal jsem účet za telefon Vivo a výpis z kreditní karty se správnou adresou, stejnou, která byla použita k registraci na platformě. 3. dnes odeslaný byl účet za vodu pro bydlení.
Nechají osobu čekat déle než 3 dny a odmítnou dokument na platformě, aniž by poskytli jakékoli vysvětlení, pouze řekli „neplatný dokument".
Požádal jsem podporu o další informace, abych zjistil, co je špatně, ale řekli jen: „všechna vysvětlení již byla poskytnuta, počkejte prosím na nový termín".
Vrátím se sem za 3-4 dny a podle toho, co jsem viděl o podobných případech, už vidím, co udělají: znovu odmítnout dokument a zablokovat účet.
Od časného rána podávám stížnosti na tuto platformu a zítra jdu za právníkem, aby mohla být přijata příslušná opatření.
Pořídil jsem snímky všech transakcí a uložil všechny konverzace v chatu. Podal jsem stížnost na SIGAP, ANATEL požadující zablokování této platformy, federální policii, žádost MED, kontakt se dvěma zprostředkovateli plateb „3x" a „staypay", e-mail sponzorům uvedeným na stránce (Campeonato Mineiro, Campeonato Matogrossense a golshow), stížnost na webovou stránku policie Gamingou (zpráva o licenci Metropolitan, Anj ) a dokonce se různými způsoby pokoušel kontaktovat někoho z týmu „Craque Neta" poté, co se podíval na video, na kterém tvrdí, že je sponzorem bet7 spolu s Portugalcem „Tiago Nunesem", který tvrdí, že je generálním ředitelem bet7 (
Musel jsem zapomenout na další stížnosti, které jsem podal, protože mi to trvalo celý den, ale jedna věc je jistá, popletli se s nesprávnou osobou a nepřestanu, dokud nebudou tyto stránky v Brazílii odstraněny a způsobená škoda nebude u soudu zvrácena.
When I went to I saw other similar complaints, so it seems they are trying to scam all Brazilians.
The two proofs of residence I sent are valid according to the platform's privacy policy and an attendant even confirmed that everything was fine with my 2nd proof sent. I sent a Vivo phone bill and a credit card statement with the correct address, the same one used to register on the platform. The 3rd one sent today was a residential water bill.
They make the person wait for more than 3 days and refuse the document on the platform, without giving any explanation, just saying "invalid document".
I asked support for more information to find out what was wrong, but they just said: "all clarifications have already been given, please wait for a new deadline".
I'll come back here in 3-4 days and from what I've seen of similar cases, I can already see what they're going to do: refuse the document again and block the account.
I've been filing complaints against this platform since early morning and tomorrow I'm going to see a lawyer so that the appropriate measures can be taken.
I took screenshots of all the transactions and saved all the chat conversations. I have filed a complaint with SIGAP, ANATEL requesting that this platform be blocked, the Federal Police, a MED request, contact with two payment intermediaries "3x" and "staypay", an e-mail to the sponsors listed on the site (Campeonato Mineiro, Campeonato Matogrossense and golshow), a complaint to the licensor Anjouan Gaming, a report to the Metropolitan Police on the website ( and even tried in various ways to contact someone from "Craque Neto's" team after checking out a video of him claiming to be a bet7 sponsor alongside a Portuguese man "Tiago Nunes" who claims to be bet7's CEO (
I must have forgotten about the other complaints I made because it took me all day, but one thing is for sure, they messed with the wrong person and I won't stop until this site is taken down in Brazil and the damage caused is reversed in court.
Ao acessar o site verifiquei outras denúncias semelhantes, pelo visto estão querendo aplicar o golpe em todos brasileiros.
Os dois comprovantes de residência que enviei são válidos de acordo com a política de privacidade da plataforma e inclusive um atendente confirmou que estava tudo certo com meu 2º comprovante enviado. Foram enviados conta de Vivo telefonia e extrato de cartão de crédito com o endereço correto, o mesmo utilizado para cadastro na plataforma. O 3º envio realizado na data de hoje foi uma conta de água residencial.
Eles fazem a pessoa aguardar por mais dos 3 dias do prazo e recusam o documento na plataforma, sem dar nenhuma explicação, apenas aparece "documento inválido".
Solicito no suporte maiores informações para saber o que está errado, mas apenas dizem: "todos esclarecimentos já foram dados, aguarde novo prazo".
Daqui 3-4 dias retorno aqui e pelo que já vi dos casos parecidos, eu já prevejo o que irão fazer: recusar novamente o documento e bloquear a conta.
Fiquei desde cedo realizando denúncias contra essa plataforma e amanhã irei até um advogado para serem tomadas as medidas cabíveis.
Tirei print de todas transações e salvei todas as conversas realizadas no chat. Foi realizado denúncia junto ao SIGAP, ANATEL solicitando bloqueio dessa plataforma, Polícia Federal, solicitação de MED, contato com duas intermediadoras de pagamento "3x" e "staypay", e-mail para os patrocinadores que consta no site (campeonato mineiro, matogrossense e golshow), denúncia junto à licenciadora Anjouan Gaming, registro de boletim junto à Polícia Metropolitana no site ( e até tentado de várias maneiras contato com alguém da equipe do "Craque Neto" após verificar um vídeo dele dizendo ser patrocinador do bet7 ao lado de um português "Tiago Nunes" que se diz o CEO da bet7 (
Devo ter esquecido de outras denúncias que realizei pois foi o dia todo por conta disso, mas uma coisa é certa, eles mexeram com a pessoa errada e eu não irei parar enquanto esse site não sair do ar no Brasil e na justiça ser revertido o prejuízo e danos causado.
Dear ricartemt,
I hope you are doing well. As the recommended time frame has now passed, could you kindly update us on whether your withdrawal has successfully been received or if there have been any new developments regarding your case? Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.
Informují mě, že nebylo možné přečíst q-kód na účtence, která mi byla zaslána, protože odeslaná faktura nemá q-kód, pouze čárový kód pro platbu, a že po otestování jsem viděl, že funguje normálně.
They inform me that it wasn't possible to read the q-code on the receipt sent to me, since the invoice sent doesn't have a q-code, only a barcode for payment, and that after I tested it I saw that it was working normally.
Informam que nao foi possível ler o código q do comprovante enviado sendo que a fatura enviada não possui código qr, apenas um código de barras para pagamento da mesma e que após eu testar vi que está funcionando normalmente.
Utečte z této platformy, teď říkají, že zavolají do 5 pracovních dnů. Od 6. jsem čekal na potvrzení o pobytu a teď přišli s tímto.
Run away from this platform, now they say they will make a phone call, within 5 working days. I've been waiting to see proof of residence since the 6th and now they've come up with this.
Fujam dessa plataforma, agora informaram que irão realizar uma ligação telefonica, prazo de 5 dias uteis. Desde o dia 06 aguardando verificar comprovante de residencia e agora inventam essa.
Vážený ricartemte,
Bylo by možné předat komunikaci mezi vámi a kasinem související s tímto případem? k další kontrole?
Těšíme se na vaši zprávu.
Dear ricartemt,
Would it be possible to forward the communication between you and the casino related to this case to for further review?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Děkuji ricartemt za všechny poskytnuté informace. Vaši stížnost nyní předám kolegovi Stefanovi ( ), který vám bude od této chvíle pomáhat.
Přeji hodně štěstí při jeho řešení.
Thank you ricartemt for all the information provided. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Stefan ( who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Ahoj ricartemte,
Je nám moc líto, že vám váš výběr ještě nedorazil. Budu kontaktovat kasino a pokusím se problém co nejdříve vyřešit.
Nyní bych rád pozval zástupce Bet7 Casino BR, aby se připojil k této konverzaci a podílel se na řešení této stížnosti.
Vážený Bet7 Casino BR,
Mohl byste situaci komentovat?
Předem děkuji za poskytnutí informací.
Hello ricartemt,
I am so sorry to hear your withdrawal hasn't reached you yet. I will contact the casino and try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Now I would like to invite a Bet7 Casino BR representative to join this conversation and participate in resolving this complaint.
Dear Bet7 Casino BR,
Could you comment on the situation?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Ahoj ricartemte,
Jsem v kontaktu se zástupcem kasina mimo téma stížností, takže se s námi snaží komunikovat. Doufejme, že zde odpoví co nejdříve. Prodloužím časovač o dalších sedm dní.
Velmi si vážíme vaší trpělivosti.
Hello ricartemt,
I am in contact with the casino representative outside of the complaint thread, so they are trying to communicate with us. Let's hope they will respond here as soon as possible. I will extend the timer by an additional seven days.
Your patience is much appreciated.
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Zkontrolujte složku „Spam“ nebo „Promoakce“ nebo klikněte na tlačítko níže.
Potvrzovací e-mail byl znovu odeslán.