Dobrý den, v bance jsem již byl, doklad o platbě jsem již poslal a stále tvrdí, že to byla moje banka, která platbu neprovedla, to je lež, doklad mám a už jsem poslal jim to, prostě mě ignorují, je jim to jedno, jsou to zloději, poslal jsem už více než 20 emailů a nic než automatické odpovědi, že je to chyba mé banky a já mám důkaz...každopádně už si nevím rady, kéž by situaci vyřešili, ale vidím, že nic neudělají a takhle budou šidit své zákazníky 😔
Hello, I've already been to the bank, I've already sent the proof of payment and they still say that it was my bank that didn't make the payment, that's a lie, I have the proof and I've already sent it to them, they just ignore me, they don't care, they're thieves, I've already sent more than 20 emails and nothing but automatic replies saying that it's my bank's fault and I have the proof...anyway, I don't know what to do anymore, I wish they'd resolve the situation but I can see that they're not going to do anything and that's how they're going to cheat their customers 😔
Olá já fui ao banco já enviei o comprovativo de pagamento e mesmo assim dizem que foi o meu banco que não fez o pagamento e mentira eu tenho o comprovativo e já lhes enviei simplesmente ignoram não querem saber são uns ladrões já enviei mais de 20 email e nada só respostas automática a dizer que a culpa e do meu banco e eu tenho o comprovativo...enfim já não sei o que fazer gostava que resolveram a situação mas já tou a ver que nada vão fazer e assim vão enganado os clientes 😔
Automaticky přeloženo: