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i’ll be honest with you, i play so much that i start to see things when i play online. Patterns, streaks, control programs. And this is for all online casinos. i’m not going to post it either because that’s basically a death wish for me if I do meaning I’m not going to screw myself if i want to continue playing online. it’s not a 100% or even close to anything special. I will say this, if you have discipline and control and you don’t play on your emotions. Let me be honest, if I had t what I just said, I’d be a rich man. But truth is most of us a degenerate compulsive gamblers that has no patience to wait for a withdraw. all rtg casinos make you wait a week or minimum a couple of days because they know we can’t go without gambling and they are betting on us to go back in and reverse the withdraw and lose it back. i honestly have no respect for any RTG casino because they do it purposely so they don’t have to pay out as much. that’s why they will give you no rules bonus of 400% your deposit with no play thru cus they know only a small percentage will have that patients to withdraw and the rest is ching ching in their pocket. at the end i trained myself to withdraw and i started withdrawing more often and around 2-3k per withdraw. what they did was classified me as a certain coupon user where i wasn’t allowed to redeem coupons no more. and when they did allow me to i notice i couldn’t even hit 2 # Kenos. let’s face it, it’s a computer, computers can be programmed. people , people are compulsive when they act on emotions. don’t you notice when you first open an account you win a lot and after not so much. they have to allow you to get that bite and they know they got you for life chasing that feeling again. all free no deposit bonus well most i should say hits pretty well but when you deposit your like wyf? everything i am saying is just my opinion and is not a fact. it’s just speculation but it’s a nice story to listen to.
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