Ahoj všichni, zajímalo by mě, jestli má některý z online hráčů stejnou negativní zkušenost s Racing Bull jako já, vyhrál jsem $ 2050, což není nic jiného než část toho, co jsem vložil do tohoto kasina, já čekali téměř měsíc na zpracování a zastavili se na mém účtu od 27.09.2021, jak je to možné, není respekt k hráčům, když vložím své peníze, obdrží je okamžitě !!! Může mi někdo říct, co musím udělat, abych tuto výhru získal zpět? Dík.
Ahoj všichni, vyhrál jsem 2050 dolarů, což není nic jiného než část toho, co jsem vložil do tohoto kasina, čekal jsem na jeho zpracování téměř měsíc a na svém účtu jsem se zastavil od 27. září/ 2021 jak je to možné, není respekt k hráčům, když vložím své peníze, dostanete je okamžitě !!! Může mi někdo říct, co musím udělat, abych tuto výhru získal zpět? Dík.
Hi all of you, I would like to know if any of the online players have had the same negative experience with Racing Bull as me, I have won $ 2050 which is nothing more than a part of what I have deposited on this casino, I have been waiting for almost a month that be processed, and stopped on my account from 09/27/2021 how is this possible, there is no respect for the players, when I deposit my money they receive it immediately !!! Can anyone tell me what I need to do to recover this win? Thanks.
Hi all of you, I won 2050 dollars which is nothing more than a part of what I deposited on this casino, I have been waiting for it to be processed for almost a month, and I have stopped on my account since 09/27/ 2021 how is this possible, there is no respect for the players, when I deposit my money you receive it immediately !!! Can anyone tell me what I need to do to recover this win? Thanks.
Salve a tutti voi, vorrei sapere se qualcuno dei giocatori online abbia avuto la mia stessa esperienza negativa con Racing Bull, ho vinto 2050 dollari che non sono altro che una parte di quello che io ho depositato sul questo casinò, da quasi un mese aspetto che venga processato, e fermo sul mio account dal 27/09/2021 come è possibile questo, non c'è rispetto per i giocatori, io quando deposito i miei soldi li ricevono subito!!! Qualcuno mi può dire cosa devo fare per recuperare questa vincita? Grazie.
Hi all of you, I won 2050 dollars which is nothing more than a part of what I deposited on this casino, I have been waiting for it to be processed for almost a month, and I have stopped on my account since 27/09/2021 how is this possible , there is no respect for the players, when I deposit my money you receive it immediately !!! Can anyone tell me what I need to do to recover this win? Thanks.